Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Random Thoughts 1

This is a new and hopefully frequent posting reflecting the title of this blogsite...

-I'm really enjoying the Marvel teaser images of the new Secret Avengers team. And by that, I mean trying to figure out who they are. (as if the creative team wasn't enough to get me interested)

-I had a fun time thinking about Marvel characters who could become deputized by the DCU Lanterns (ex: Captain America= Hope= Blue Lantern) and then discussed it with a friend.

-I got excited about toys announced at this past weekends NY Toy Fair. Including:

  • A Wal-Mart exclusive (generally bad news) DC Universe Classics five figure set made up of Green Lanterns. There's a Hal Jordan with Parallax induced grey temples, a Sinestro in his old GL suit, Tomar-Re (the orange fish-head alien), John Stewart wearing the suit from the Mosaic story and last, but not least, Guy Gardner.
  • A DCU Classics Supergirl Vs Lex Luthor in Battlesuit two pack
  • The Marvel Universe Galactus that's 19 inches high with light up eyes and seven or eight voice clips.
  • Transformers Generations (replacing the Universe line) coming out with a G1 inspired Thrust, the IDW inspired Drift and a Marvel Comics inspired Darkmount (Straxis)
  • Masters Of The Universe Classics had a bunch of figures including two that never got a US release. I just wanted the Whiplash figure, who will come with a classic 80's head and a 2002 redesign head.

-I finally got some answers on Lost this Tuesday. Old Smokey or FLocke (fake Locke) tells why Jacob brought the main cast to the candidates to become the next Jacob.

-I scratched my head as the Losers movie (great comic series BTW) got pushed back to a higher profile opening on June 4th. Then got moved back to its original opening in April.

-I bought a bunch of Masters Of The Universe Classics stuff on

  • Battle Cat- 'cause He-Man needs a ride
  • Trap Jaw- he was my favorite figure of the original line
  • Man-At-Arms- a pet is cool, but you need a wingman

The thing is though,... OK, the new merchandise went on sale at 12:00 noon. I was able to be online at exactly 12:01. The Man-At Arms was a re-release, but the site wouldn't allow me to buy it as it "thought" it was out of stock still. Not wanting to lose out on other figures, I removed it from my cart. I finished my purchase at 12:09 (site traffic slows processing) and I checked to see if that problem was fixed. I noticed that the two other figures have sold out. In not even TEN MINUTES! I checked out the week old forums the site has and they were ablaze with angry customers (formerly potential ones). Now, the website is the ONLY retailer of these figures (other stores buy from them and resell at a markup) you would think that they would know the demand for these figures. Long story, short... I am lucky! I even got the Man-At-Arms when I checked to see if that glitch was fixed.

-As corny and low budget as it was, Smallville will never be as cool as the JSA episodes/movie.

That's it for now....

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